My New Year Resolutions 2018

2017 was a great year for me. Every month was special and every month I did something new.  There were a lot of ups and downs and a great many lessons learned.  It was a year where I paved the way for my future and so, 2018 will be the make or break year for me.

In 2017, I started my own blog, traveled to three different countries (Singapore, New Caledonia, Vanuatu), took a trip to Kerala while visiting home, graduated in Masters of International Business with Masters of International Relations, started Diploma of Interpreting, got an amazing job, started working with Foxynet Solutions,  met hundreds of new people, realised who are the most important people of my life, found a new house , decorated my room with as many colours as I wanted and just really enjoyed every bit of this year. Oh, what a year 2017 was!!!! The list of things that I did outside of my comfort zone is never-ending.

Now, it’s 2018 and I want to make sure that it’s better than 2017.  I truly believe in-

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought”- Buddha

I want to start my year by believing that I can push my boundaries more and push past my limits to achieve what I want from life. In order to do this, I have set some New Year resolutions for myself and some strategies to achieve them.  Writing them down will not just keep me accountable but it will also motivate me to work towards them now that I have shared them with hundreds of people. So, sharing them with you all is my biggest strategy of achieving them. Let’s get started:

  1. Eat Healthy and Exercise More: As they say Health is Wealth.  Eating Healthy and exercising at least 4 times a week is my priority this year.  Good news that I have already started it even after having a major sweet tooth problem. Since I am a vegetarian, it is quite easy for me to eat healthy- by eating salads which are yummy and healthy at the same time. My breakfast for the year is just going to revolve around eating oats, sandwiches made at home, lots of veggies, fruits and coffee.  I am going to cut my sugar intake slowly from having pancakes once a week for brekkie to having them once in a fortnight. Similarly, I will try to slowly eliminate cakes and muffins from every day to occasionally. Not only will it help me to save money but will also help me stay fit.  Most importantly, I am not going to rush through my meals. In the last few months, I found myself constantly working and skipping my meals or just having smoothies for my lunch. I hope to change it this year. The strategy to achieve all this is through meal preparation and eating out less. Trust me, It works wonders. Healthy eating will be a major part of staying fit along with the exercising. For exercising, I will see you at the gym. 
  2. Coffee– My passion for having coffee started off as merely a habit and now I am in love. I can have coffee at any time of the day. This year is not just going to be about trying out coffee and reviewing it but also understanding the art of making coffee and the efforts that go into it. As I educate myself about coffee, stay tuned for some great piece of articles.
  3. Digital Marketing- My dream job involves digital marketing. To achieve the most important goal of my career, there is still so much that I need to learn, experiment and analyze. The digital marketing world is constantly changing and keeping up to date is a really hard task( a very hard confession to make) especially if you have a full-time job. As I said, this year is make it or break it and so, I am going to push myself to surpass my capabilities and push myself harder to excel in what I really love doing. The only strategy to really achieve this is persistence and perseverance. The girl’s gotta do what a girls gotta do.
  4. Quaintrelle- You know the feeling of doing something that you really want to do and then when you do it, you want to be the best at it and you won’t accept anything less? This is exactly what I want to do for Quaintrelle.  I am really going to make it a success and I hope you all will be there with me on my journey. The strategies for doing this will soon be up on my blog. Stay tuned.
  5. Build stronger relationships- There is nothing more important than having the people you love with you during your happy and sad times. 2017 helped me understand the importance of building strong relationships and 2018 I am going to make them stronger. Reducing screen time is one of the most important strategies for this. Spending more time with friends and family while meeting new people and trying to avoid saying No for social gatherings.
  6. Be Grateful- Counting my blessings every day and writing at least 5 things I am grateful for every night.  Only gratitude can bring you happiness. That is tried and tested. I want to make this an everyday habit now. Being more polite in whatever I do, say thank you and please more often, smile more, and reading more books.

2018, I AM READY FOR YOU!! Bring it on.

Stay tuned for awesomeness in 2018. Follow Quaintrelle on Instagram for all latest updates. 

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